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Who We Are

The Amazing Henrih Alikaj's Story 

Henrih Alikaj! Born in Tirana, Albania on February 4, 1995. With those big, beautiful blue eyes, that blonde and curly hair, and that strong voice, this 9.5 lbs baby awed a hospital room full of doctors and nurses. Of course, he overjoyed his mom and dad, a very young newly married couple (respectively 21 and 23) who knew nothing about life’s obstacles. As they walked out of the hospital with their beautiful baby boy in their arms, the couple swore that this baby, Henrih, would grow up to be a kind, wonderful, loving, respectful man, and that this beautiful boy would ALWAYS be surrounded by love and people who love him!  

Henrih was growing up quite fast, his beautiful blue eyes and golden curly hair always getting attention from everyone. He was indeed surrounded by love!  

On February 4, 1997, Henrih turned two, and turmoil in Albania was almost causing a civil war. Luck would have it that before he turned two, Henrih’s parents won the Green Card Lottery (through which a foreign citizen is allowed to legally enter, live, and work in the United States). Oh, how fortunate Henrih’s parents felt! They get to enter The United States of America, and they get to work and secure a better and safer life. What a great opportunity for the young couple and a growing son! Henrih gets to grow up, go to school, and probably get a job in The Land of Opportunities, USA.  

February 10, 1997, and the young couple and the beautiful two-year-old Henrih landed in Michigan. As they adapt to a completely new lifestyle, they find that America was indeed everything the young couple had dreamed of, providing opportunities for Altin, Henrih‘s dad, to work hard and continue to provide for his family. Henrih’s mom, Migena Alikaj, became a high school teacher and LOVES her job! Henrih also became the luckiest brother in the world when Julian (once again the couple had produced another beautiful blue-eyed baby boy) entered Henrih’s world five and a half years later, on November 28, 2000.

The boys were ALWAYS happy and surrounded by so much love! Everything they needed, they had their loving family, and they always had each other. Well, Henrih and Julian did not just have the looks and personality, but they also have the brains. They would always make their parents so extremely proud.


Henrih always excelled in school. Ever since elementary school, Henrih would impress his teachers with one of his traits. His reading skills, his manners, his work ethic, his willingness to help anyone around him, his kindness, his sense of humor, and his integrity were amongst some of the things Henrih’s teachers would share with his parents during parent-teacher conferences. He finished elementary and middle school, always continuing to make his parents and his family so extremely proud. 

After middle school, being such an excellent student, Henrih had to decide whether to go to the regular high school he was supposed to go to (Eisenhower High School) or go to one of the more challenging programs the district offered. Well, Henrih’s parents and Henrih agreed that Henrih attends the IB (International Baccalaureate) Program. It was only the second year this challenging program was being offered to the students, so there was a little reluctance about Henrih attending IB at first. Once he got there, Henrih gained not only a lot more knowledge but also ANOTHER FAMILY. Henrih’s friends at IB became like his brothers and sisters. He would come home exhausted from the day but always happy because he had gotten through the day with his friends. Four years in the IB Program were not easy, but Henrih succeeded and was able to graduate as a VALEDICTORIAN 

UAIS Class of 2013 celebrates a world of opportunities - Patch, always continuing to make his parents and his family SO EXTREMELY PROUD of him Henrih Alikaj 1 3 4 SCL  

  1. Valedictorian 

  2. Salutatorian 

  3. National Honor Society 

  4. IB Full Diploma Candidate Summa Cum Laude – SCL 

  5. (Graduating with Highest Honors) 

  6. GPA 3.9 & Above).  

Well, after high school, having graduated as a Valedictorian from such a rigorous program, Henrih was faced with the difficult dilemma of which University to attend. Henrih had applied to four universities (Yale University, University of Michigan, Oakland University, and Michigan State University). A very anxious Henrih would wait for the mailman to deliver the mail every day. Oh, how bummed Henrih was when he saw that Yale University had placed him on a waiting list, but that disappointment was immediately recuperated when Henrih opened the other envelopes notifying him that Henrih was accepted in their schools (all three). In fact, Henrih was offered a Presidential Scholarship from Oakland University. This would pay for all the years of schooling if Henrih maintained a certain high GPA (Grade Point Average), something he was able to do. However, Henrih wanted to attend the University of Michigan, a very rigorous and prestigious school. Well, the boys’ parents had vowed that their sons would always have what they wanted. After all, that was the reason they had left Albania, to secure a better future for their son, Henrih. 

Henrih was now a student at the University of Michigan. He was both nervous and excited. A world of opportunities awaited him. Indeed, Henrih went through and made it through those years in college. With obstacles along the way, but with family and friends by his side, Henrih was able to finish his years in Ann Arbor, at The University of Michigan with his Bachelor's Degree in Neuroscience, a year and a half of research work (, and with a lot more new friends and people who respected and loved him for the amazing Henrih that he was. Henrih and Julian were ALWAYS LOVED, just like the young couple (now not so young anymore) had promised. 

Now Henrih had to apply to Med School. He wanted to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor so that he could help others. In his application essay, Henrih had stated that his sick grandpa (thus family) had inspired him to pursue a career in medicine. He stated that he was also inspired by Batman’s and Spiderman’s kindness and selflessness. He ALWAYS wanted to help others, and who better than a doctor could do that? When Henrih was accepted at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MSUCOM), the pride and the joy Henrih and ALL of his family and friends felt was indescribable. Henrih was doing it! He was actually in the United States of America, the Land of Opportunities, making his and many others’ dream come true. A bigger world of opportunities was opening up for a now 25 year old Henrih. Because of COVID –19, MSUCOM offered their classes on different campuses, so Henrih made the decision to attend classes for the first two years in the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in the Macomb University Center, closer to his house, with the opportunity to save some money so that Henrih could start his adult life with a little less debt (from loans) under his name. 

During his first two years of Graduate School (MSUCOM), Henrih continued to impress everyone he met, and he was ALWAYS SO LOVED BY EVERYONE!!!! Whether it was his pod, or his other Med School friends, professors he learned from for his labs and other classes, or anyone else that was fortunate to get to know The Amazing Henrih, ALL were always INFLUENCED by him. How could they not be? He had it all, but that kindness and that willingness to help everyone around him..., those two traits..., they always were the MOST IMPRESSIVE qualities Henrih possessed. He ALWAYS CARED!!!! He cared about everyone’s well-being! He would skip doing what was on his own agenda just so that he could be there for a friend. He would go to the gym later than he had planned so that he could run an errand for his parents or his grandma. He would make sure his brother Julian was always okay, and if Julian needed anything, Henrih would drop his plans right away to be there for Julian. (See, Henrih has always been and continues to be Julian’s hero!!!!). Henrih would see to it that his parents and grandmas took care of their health, always giving them advice and being persistent that they go to the doctor for any minor health issues. While Henrih was overwhelmingly inundated with having to study for his Med School stressful classes, running errands for the family, and always being there for his brother Julian and for his friends, Henrih did not forget to take care of his own well-being. He would go to the gym after completing his studies and other priorities of the day.  

July of 2022. An excited and accomplished Henrih Alikaj, has successfully finished his first two years of his Med School at MSU. The third and fourth year of Med School now consists of clinical rotations. Oooooh, the world of opportunities that awaits Henrih! He got to move to his own place, an apartment in Royal Oak (which he was soooo excited but exhausted to have furnished on his own). Henrih’s exhausting excitement about having his classy and modern apartment (yes, of his own.... he was now feeling that freedom!!!!!!!!) was quite evident. As his third year of Med School begins, Henrih gets to actually shadow doctors full time and actually see patients and discuss patients’ cases with the assigned specialized doctor. Well, it starts with Henrih being assigned at DMC (Detroit Medical Center) Hospital. His first rotation is Neurology, and he happens to be assigned to an outpatient clinic. Henrih’s assigned doctor is Dr. David A Green, D.O. A bit nervous and always awed by Dr. Green., Henrih was so excited to go to Dr. Green’s office every morning after his now new routine in his own apartment. 

The morning of August 15, 2022 began the same as always. Henrih called his brother and his parents, saying “Good Morning” while getting ready and having his coffee and his breakfast. While driving his 2019 red Honda Accord and listening to rap music, Henrih arrived at Dr. Green’s office, ready for another exciting day with this “genius”, as Henrih considered Dr. Green. That day the doctor decided to let Henrih go a little sooner than usual (around 6:15 –ish). Henrih calls his dad and informs him that, having nothing else to do, he’d be going to The Edge (a Fitness Club/Gym) nearby, the closest one being in Farmington Hills. Before he entered the gym, Henrih made sure to call his mom as well. The calls consisted of the usual conversations: “How was your day?”, “What did you do today?”, “Whom did you talk to?”, “What did they say/What did you say?", "How are you feeling?”, and such. It, of course, ended with both Henrih, and Altin (Dad), and Migena (Mom), saying to each other “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” (The conversations with their sons, Henrih and Julian, ALWAYS end with “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!”). Well, now it’s around 8:00, and a panicked Julian entered the living room asking the person on the phone, “IS HE OKAY????!!!!”. Mom looked at Julian, could not grasp what was going on, and then...  “Oh. My God, HENRIH!!!!” she thought, “an accident?!”. She quickly grabbed the phone from Julian’s hand, and she talked to the person on the phone to get notified that Henrih had collapsed while in the gym, that he had had a massive heart attack, that they had given him CPR, that they were taking him to the Beaumont ER in Farmington Hills, and that the family should hurry there. WOW???!!!! MILLIONS of thoughts ran through their minds, as Julian, Altin, Migena, and Nana Jeta jumped in the car and violated any speed limit that existed in the distance from their house in Macomb Township to the ER in Farmington Hills. Migena’s screams and prayers did not stop Altin from keeping his calm and driving to his son, Henrih.

Migena’s screams and prayers did not stop Altin from keeping his calm and driving to his son, Henrih. Finally, they made it to the ER! They were told that Henrih was given CPR three times, and that he was “... touch and go...”, and that “...the doctors are doing everything they can...”, and that …"we should pray...”. That phrase right there, that “ should pray...”, that made everyone’s knees start shaking a different kind of shaking!!!!! Now more close family friends are waiting with the panicked and sobbing parents, Julian, Nana Jeta, and Aunt Ada (that’s what Henrih called his mom’s sister, Hilda, ever since he was a toddler). After what seemed like MILLIONS OF YEARS, a sweaty doctor came out of the Cath Lab and asked that the family talked to him. Mom could NOT go towards him as she saw that look on the doctor’s face as soon as he asked them to talk to him. HENRIH DID NOT MAKE IT!!!! The doctor said that the family could go in the Cath Lab, where Henrih’s was laying, and they could see their Henrih. There was Henrih, looking as if he was sleeping. Mom grabbed his hands and his feet! They seemed warm still... She wanted to offer that motherly touch, the one that offers safety for her children, hoping and praying ONE LAST TIME to bring her Henrih BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!! “Henriiiiiih,” she screamed out of her lungs, “PLEAAAAAAASE, COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!”. But God had made his decision!!!! No matter what her parents said, prayed, begged, screamed, demanded of God, He had decided that Henrih was to be with Him. Mom, now turned completely numb, would kiss Henrih’s forehead, would touch Henrih’s hair, would kiss his nose, She just couldn’t believe that Henrih’s heart had actually stopped, that her Henrih had given up?????!!!!! NOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!! IT CAN’T BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Later they were told by nurses and doctors that they had to leave and that they had to take Henrih to the morgue. By now the three of them, Altin, Migena, and Julian, their hearts and world completely empty and shattered, get in the car to go back home. They would go to the house the four of them had SO LOVED, a colonial house, once so beautiful, so modern and classy, just like Henrih’s apartment, but now so worthless, so empty, just like their hearts. Henrih’s world of opportunities had closed its doors for Henrih. Oh, but the parents had vowed that their Henrih would ALWAYS be LOVED and RESPECTED, so on their way home, Altin’s bright mind was contemplating how to best honor his son, Henrih. Throughout all of his life, Henrih felt loved, and during his last moments on Earth, Henrih was so HONORED by everyone! There was not one single dry eye in the funeral home and the cemetery. ALL were IN SHOCK!  

On Saturday, August 19, 2022, Henrih’s body was not with us, on Earth, anymore, but Henrih’s spirit is still with us, in Heaven. Henrih is watching over us. Henrih is guiding us. Henrih’s world of opportunities has not ended with his body being gone. Oh, no! Henrih’s soul, kindness, honesty, integrity, and that willingness to help others still remains!!!! HENRIH’S LEGACY REMAINS!!!! Henrih will continue to help others by opening doors of opportunities for others.  

Henrih’s life was short-lived. It is not fair that Henrih was with us for only 27 short years, but during those 27 great years, he LIVED his life by this motto: “Be the best you can be and have fun along the way”. He was THE BEST! The best son to his mom and dad, the best brother to Julian, the best grandson to Grandma Jeta and Grandma Zyra, the best nephew to Uncle Eddie (Dad’s brother), Auntie Bona (Dad’s Brother’s wife), and Aunt Ada (Mom’s sister), the best friend to ALL, and overall, the best person! Henrih knew how to be the best, and yet he knew how to have fun along the way. This is what Henrih leaves behind, this great advice, to BE THE BEST WE CAN BE and TO ENJOY LIFE like our Henrih did. Embrace the opportunities this world has to offer. Live the dream. Enjoy life and make memories with the people you love.  

Henrih will ALWAYS BE LOVED, RESPECTED, and HONORED!!! Henrih Alikaj’s name will ALWAYS remain. He will continue to be an inspirational hero not only to Julian, Mom, and Dad, but hopefully to others as well.


In Memory of Henrih Alikaj 



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